Monday, April 21, 2008

Well, dammit.

too tired to say much, too tired to edit or use the shift key.

my daddy died. just like that.

i was contemplating taking an extra lexapro this morning since i was crummy and unpleasant and not of good spirit yesterday, when millie called to tell me she found daddy dead.


my daddy died.

he's not alive, that is.

needless to say, i took that extra pill. thinking i'll do it again tomorrow.

much to say about how i think it all went down (involves his recurring dreams about momma), about how fabulous my niece is and how this must be for her, about how blessed i am to have the best job, the best friends, the best husband, the best children.

but i am tired, and i recall from momma's death that we must sleep when our bodies will allow it.

stay tuned. it could get comically ugly.

prayers for my daddy.


1 comment:

JandK Walters said...

i love u. i will pray today and tomorrow.... and im here.